ferhiga Welcome to my Webpage!

Here you will find several webpages that I have created for my own amusement about groups that I enjoy a lot.
Mostly in English but a few in Spanish.

Also, a little bit about myself.

Prefab Sprout - A Life of Surprises

A Life of Surprises

Lyrics, fanzines, boots, guitar chords, interviews, and more!

Moody Boots - Moody Blues

Moody Boots

Info for the Moody Blues fan on unofficial recordings.

Camel Boots

Camel Boots

Resource fan page with track listings and covers from official and unofficial Camel live recordings.

Liricas Progresivas

Liricas Progresivas

Dedicada exclusivamente a desentrañar la letra de las canciones progresivas.

Prefab Sprout - Una Vida de Sorpresas

Una Vida de Sorpresas

Letras traducidas, fotos, artículos, el libro y más!

Enlaces de Ingenieria

Enlaces de Ingenieria

Enlaces de Ingeniería Eléctrica con énfasis en la Automatización y algo de electrónica.

A Bit about Me

A Bit about Me

Very basic information on me.

ferhiga © 2002 - 2011