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Music composed by    Francis Lai
Arranged by Roland Romanelli

Released by GAL-18, MCT Sarl,  Zomba, 2000. CD release.

Cover and information kindly provided by   Koichi Matsui

Probably the CD release of the Cosmos LP.
Some title names and timings matches, others don't but maybe
that is due to the translation and editing of tracks.

Astral Journeys
01 Realm of Discovery - Bright, panoramic, futuristic         (5:11)
02 Final Mission - Epic space travel         (4:23)
03 Black Hole - Dark, mysterious, overwhelming         (3:56)
04 Space Drama - Tense journey through space         (5:10)
05 Sea of Serenity - Sad, delicate, ethereal         (4:06)
06 Futurescope - Charging futuristic exploration         (4:14)
07 Modern Society - Fast, busy space-age action         (3.52)
08 Star People - Intricate futuristic activity with celestial vocals         (2:59)
09 Promised Land - Spacious, triumphant         (3:13)
10 Enlightenment - Heavenly and expansive Featuring vocals         (3:34)
11 Particles - Weird, abrasive electronic rhythms         (1:41)
12 The Engine - Mysterious gaseous atmosphere         (1:00)
13 Machine Line - Out of control electronic frequencies         (1:52)
14 View of the Earth - Tranquil floating above the earth         (3:46)
15 Star Gazing - Slow, serene, ethereal         (3:34)
16 Symphony in Space - Joyous and all-conquering with voice fx         (3:23)
17 Night Magic - Peaceful, romantic and starry         (4:51)
18 The Coming - Strange, momentous atmosphere         (4:33)
19 Morning Mists - Gradual, tentative atmosphere         (4:26)
  1-5, 11-15 composed by Francis Lai
  6, 16-19 composed by P. Guiot and J.P. Guiot
  7-10 composed by Greg Becker


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